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Fishes, of course
Silvertip shark
Alfred manta ray
Bluespotted ribbontail ray
Giant moray eel
Napoleon fish
Napoleon fish
Bluefin trevally
Yellowstriped cardinalfish
These small fish are hiding between the tentacles of a sea anemone.
Horned bannerfish
Tassled scorpionfish
Tassled scorpionfish
Scribbled pufferfish
Scribbled pufferfish
Orbicular batfish
Jewel grouper
Beaufort crocodile fish
For a non-diver, what you see underwater is fish. However, fish accounts for only a small part of sealife, but it is the one that is in perpetual motion and that we notice the most.
I will start these pages with fish. Of course, the photos I show are only part of the ones we saw during this cruise.
Naturally, big fish enjoy a special status: the meeting of a shark, a manta ray, a big napoleon is always a privileged moment. But I would like to show through these images that they are not the only ones and that the "little guys" are just as interesting and photogenic.
Giant trigger-fish
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