Lanzarote volcanoes

The lava fields of Timanfaya

Lava fields and craters at Timanfaya

Lava fields and craters at Timanfaya

Crater at Timanfaya

Ash plain and craters

Ash plain and craters

The ash cone of Montaña Colorada
Volcanoes have created and shaped Lanzarote: there are more than 300 craters belonging to 100 volcanoes.
Those in Timanfaya National Park are particularly impressive. The Timanfaya eruption lasted for six years, from September 1730 to April 1736. The lava covered 65 square miles, 20% of the surface of the island.
Nearly two centuries later, the basalt and ash soil is still impassable and vegetation is still struggling to establish itself. At a few meters deep, the temperature is 750°F.
Here, no high mountains, but rows of craters as the volcanic hot spot kept moving.